The Gloucester Old Spot pig is a native breed which originated in south west England. It was usually kept in the cider and perry pear orchards of the area and as a result the breed is also known as The Orchard Pig. It’s a large white pig with black spots, docile and hardy producing excellent pork and bacon.
The British Saddleback is the result of the amalgamation in 1967 of two similar breeds, the Essex and Wessex Saddleback. It is a large pig mostly black except for a white saddle, around the shoulders and front legs. British Saddlebacks are hardy and noted for their mothering ability. It’s also dual purpose being used for both pork & bacon.
Gloucester old spot (GOS) pork and bacon is known for its fantastic quality setting it aside from mass produced meat. This is mostly due to the fat! Modern pigs have hardly any fat whereas the GOS has a distinct layer of backfat and marbling within the meat. That layer of backfat means that when the meat is cooking, it is being basted in its own fat making the meat succulent and full of flavour. In 2010, the GOS breed was awarded Traditional Speciality Guaranteed status by the EU Commission therefore unless both boar and sow are registered as pedigrees the meat cannot be sold as GOS.
The Saddlebacks, like many native breeds, develop slowly giving their meat a well developed flavour and creamy character, often almost nutty in character. Much like the GOS they have plenty of fat giving a succulence during cooking.
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